Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Otak- otak Rasa Ikan Tenggiri

500 grams of fresh mackerel fish meat
50 grams sago
1 tablespoon flour
4 pieces of garlic
2 stalks green onion, which has been sliced
1/2 packs of coconut milk and mix in 1 cup water
1 egg white grains
sugar and salt to taste.
And banana leaves (for wrapping)

How to make:
put all the ingredients except the egg whites into the blender
enter repeatedly so well blended
after the soft and smooth material mixed with egg white
wrapped in banana leaves, then press with a spoon until blended.
bake until cooked

peanut sauce
▪ roasted peanuts
▪ toasted hazelnut
▪ cayenne
▪ salt, sugar, and vinegar to taste

How to make:
blender all the ingredients
add water

To be added pleasure: should be served with peanut sauce.

Good Luck !!

Pepes Jamur

300 grams mushrooms, cut into 2 parts
200 g chicken, cut up like a small dice
10 pieces of red chili pepper, cut in oblique
2 red chilies, cut into 1 cm ± oblique
2 green chilies, cut in oblique ± 1 cm
6 green tomatoes, cut into pieces
50 grams of basil leaves
4 bay leaves
4 stalks lemongrass, crushed
3 leeks, then cut and
(banana leaves for wrapping)
2 chicken eggs

8 pieces of red onion
3 pieces of garlic
1 turmeric
5 egg hazelnut
½ tablespoon of salt

How to make:
First Toss chicken, mushrooms, red peppers, green peppers, eggs and spices until blended.
Take a piece of banana leaf, then give the basil, bay leaves, lemon grass, chili sauce, green tomatoes, and mushrooms batter earlier.
after that, wrap an oval, then roll, padatkan and hook with a stick.

New Heat the steamer, and cook until done.

Good Luck !!

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Hot Plate Cumi Tofu

250 grams, squid already cleaned up and is cut
300 grams of tofu, cut into pieces
100 grams of mushrooms

Sauce Ingredients:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chopped green onion
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tablespoons BBQ sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 sendo ktea sugar
1 teaspoon salt

For the Topping:
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds that have been

How to make:
Heat the hot plate to heat. Remove and place on top of the container / wood pedestal.
Pour the sauce into the hot plate.
Arrange the squid, tofu and mushrooms on top and cook until all the ingredients cooked.
Sprinkle sesame seeds afterwards.

Good Luck ...!

Ayam Goreng Bali

1 chicken cut in 20 parts
1 cm, galangal digeprak
2 pieces of bay
3 lime leaves
2 tomatoes, each cut into 8 pieces
2 tablespoons soy sauce

7 red chilies
4 cloves garlic
5 spring onions
2 cm ginger
3 eggs hazelnut
½ teaspoon shrimp paste that has been fried

How to Make:
Chickens that have been cut and cleaned with salt, it briefly silent, half-baked fries, then set aside.
after that, mashed Saute until fragrant, put ginger, bay, lime leaves, tomatoes and soy sauce.
Add chicken that has been fried, crushed tomatoes and cook until the flavors to infuse into the chicken.

Good Luck !!

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Miso Souf Tofu

Materials needed:
200 gram know japanese (cut into small - small)
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 liter of dashi broth
150 grams of miso
200 grams of spinach

How to Make:
Wrap Tofu (tofu Japan) with a clean cloth
Tap water was then cut out small - small
Heat, oil in the wok
Tofu Stir-fry it and drain, boil the broth and put tofu
Melt the miso with a little broth and add to broth
Add the spinach that has been cut and cook until the broth boils.

Good Luck ..

Soto Bandung

Materials needed:
500 grams of beef, boiled until tender, cut into cubes
200 grams turnips, peeled, thinly sliced​​, boiled, drained
2 tablespoons oil
5 cloves garlic, mashed
1 stem sere, crushed
2 cm ginger, crushed
2 quarts beef broth
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground pepper
50 grams of soy and white, soak until fluffy, drain, fry until cooked
1 leek, thinly sliced
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons fried shallots

How to make:
Heat oil, then add the garlic, saute until fragrant.
Enter the beef broth, sere, and ginger, stir, and cook until boiling,
and enter the beef, salt, and pepper, stir, and cook until boiling and cooked, then remove from heat.
Place the turnips, white soy, green onion, and celery in a bowl,
after that then flush with dressing before, sprinkle with fried shallots on top.

Good Luck ...

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Ikan Panggang khas jawa

1 medium-size fish (snapper or other white fish)
1 white onion, chopped
2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons Java or
Dark soy sauce mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut or dark
brown sugar
1 tablespoon water
Butter for basting
3 red chillies, finely sliced
1sendok fresh lemon juice, or to taste

How to Make:
Clean and scale the fish and make two or three slashes down the side. Mix the garlic with 1 tablespoon soy sauce and water. Marinate fish in this mixture for 1 hour.

Enter the grill fish, Grilled fish over low heat, basting with a little butter as cooking to prevent from drying out. If not, grill the fish on charcoal or gas grill or wrap in aluminum foil and bake in oven fat for about 10 minutes per pound (500 g).
then add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture of spices, put the fish in a microwave dish and pour in the marinade. Spread the slices of chili over the top, cover and cook.
Combine the remaining soy sauce, sliced ​​chili peppers and lime juice and spoon this mixture over the fish. Squeeze fresh lime juice added on before the meal.

Good Luck...